The story of Idol Memories is set in the near future, where live idol music performances in virtual reality have become commonplace. Against this backdrop, a pair of rival idol groups compete for the coveted "tiara," which represents the number one spot in the "Idol League."
Title | Idol Memories |
Subtitle Available | ETC. |
Alternative Titles | |
First Air Date | 2016-10-03 |
Last Air Date | 2017-05-14 |
Number of Episodes | 12 |
Number of Seasons | 1 |
Genres | Animation, Comedy, Drama, |
Networks | , |
Casts | Mayu Sagara, Marika Hayase |
Plot Keywords | , |
Kajiwara Miku
Mayu Sagara
Hattori Sena
Marika Hayase