Faced with imminent extinction, and guided by a mysterious handheld black box, the surviving members of an alien race of small people - Nomes - embark upon a quest to find a new home, safe from the unwelcome attentions of us destructive humans...
Title | Truckers - Season 1 Episode 13 : Part Thirteen |
Subtitle Available | ETC. |
Alternative Titles | Terry Pratchett's Truckers |
First Air Date | 1992-01-10 |
Last Air Date | 1992-04-03 |
Number of Episodes | 13 |
Number of Seasons | 1 |
Genres | Action & Adventure, Animation, Family, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Comedy, Drama, |
Networks | CITV, ITV1, |
Casts | Joe McGann, Rosalie Williams, Brian Trueman, Edward Kelsey, Jimmy Hibbert, John Jardine, Debra Gillett |
Plot Keywords | , |
Episodes List
Truckers Season 1 :Episode 1 Part One Part One
1992-01-10Faced with imminent extinction, and guided by a mysterious handheld black box, the surviving members of an alien race of small people - Nomes -...
Truckers Season 1 :Episode 2 Part Two Part Two
1992-01-17Faced with imminent extinction, and guided by a mysterious handheld black box, the surviving members of an alien race of small people - Nomes -...
Truckers Season 1 :Episode 3 Part Three Part Three
1992-01-24Faced with imminent extinction, and guided by a mysterious handheld black box, the surviving members of an alien race of small people - Nomes -...
Truckers Season 1 :Episode 4 Part Four Part Four
1992-01-31Faced with imminent extinction, and guided by a mysterious handheld black box, the surviving members of an alien race of small people - Nomes -...
Truckers Season 1 :Episode 5 Part Five Part Five
1992-02-07Faced with imminent extinction, and guided by a mysterious handheld black box, the surviving members of an alien race of small people - Nomes -...
Truckers Season 1 :Episode 6 Part Six Part Six
1992-02-14Faced with imminent extinction, and guided by a mysterious handheld black box, the surviving members of an alien race of small people - Nomes -...
Truckers Season 1 :Episode 7 Part Seven Part Seven
1992-02-21Faced with imminent extinction, and guided by a mysterious handheld black box, the surviving members of an alien race of small people - Nomes -...
Truckers Season 1 :Episode 8 Part Eight Part Eight
1992-02-28Faced with imminent extinction, and guided by a mysterious handheld black box, the surviving members of an alien race of small people - Nomes -...
Truckers Season 1 :Episode 9 Part Nine Part Nine
1992-03-06Faced with imminent extinction, and guided by a mysterious handheld black box, the surviving members of an alien race of small people - Nomes -...
Truckers Season 1 :Episode 10 Part Ten Part Ten
1992-03-13Faced with imminent extinction, and guided by a mysterious handheld black box, the surviving members of an alien race of small people - Nomes -...
Truckers Season 1 :Episode 11 Part Eleven Part Eleven
1992-03-20Faced with imminent extinction, and guided by a mysterious handheld black box, the surviving members of an alien race of small people - Nomes -...
Truckers Season 1 :Episode 12 Part Twelve Part Twelve
1992-03-27Faced with imminent extinction, and guided by a mysterious handheld black box, the surviving members of an alien race of small people - Nomes -...
Truckers Season 1 :Episode 13 Part Thirteen Part Thirteen
1992-04-03Faced with imminent extinction, and guided by a mysterious handheld black box, the surviving members of an alien race of small people - Nomes -...